PGSS FSSH, FBES, FS, and FME have collaborated to host the UTM Thesis Template Hands-On Workshop on February 19, 2023 (Sunday), in a hybrid format (Physical and Online), from 9.00 a.m. to 4.45 p.m., featuring the speaker, Ts. Dr. Wan Zuki Azman.
The Hands-On Workshop took place at the Learning Activity Room, Language Academy, UTM, Johor Bahru, and virtually through Webex. A total of 148 people participated, 50 of whom attended in person and the remaining 98 online.
The purpose of the UTM Thesis Handbook is to aid postgraduate students in the submission of their thesis and dissertation. The handbook covers the technical and linguistic components of writing a thesis, including the language to be used.
The speaker is a member of the UTM Thesis Template’s development team. His experience and in-depth understanding of how to utilize and update the UTM Thesis Template gave postgraduate students significant information and abilities when writing their thesis in accordance with the thesis template and standards. In addition, he demonstrated the fundamentals of using the UTM Thesis Template, such as opening the dotx file, configuring the template, utilizing the style pane, etc.

Over the duration of the presentation, the presenter responded to participant inquiries. Participants were generally pleased with the program’s content and offered favorable comments on the speaker, Ts. Dr. Wan Zuki Azman. “The workshop should be conducted annually” and “saves an ample amount of time since the format is set” are few of the feedback given by the participants. The attendees’ responses indicated that this event helped them grasp how to use the UTM Thesis Template in a very useful and productive way.

Prepared by:
Sharel Raj a/p Jonson Raju
Evarina binti Amiron
Nogga Mudaliyar Madhi Mugan
Muhammad Widad bin Sabab