Science, Innovation And Technology Carnival 2022 (SITC 22’) is organized by Research and Innovation Club UTMKL, in conjunction with Co- Organizer Office of Student Affairs UTM Kuala lumpur, Jurutek Club, Elecsys Club, Premech Club and Jazari Innovation Club UTM, with the assistance of the co-organizer club from UTMKL and UTMJB. This programme’s original purpose is to encourage youths to participate in science and technology while fostering the culture of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
Our exhibitors consist of a wide range of participants from Public/Private Universities and Skills Training Institutes under the Ministry of Human Resources, Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia and Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) and also school students.
Apart from that, this program also focusing on sharing I&E programming and internal funding opportunities. In addition, the program provide connection to college level innovation advocates as well. It is extremely important to encourage students to continue learning, growing and build up their own personalities.
Prepared by:
Zalikha Izzati binti Abd Razak
Director of Science, Innovation and Technology Carnival 2022 (SITC’ 22),
Research and Innovation Club (RIC), UTM Kuala Lumpur