UTM on board CAMPUS Asia EEST ASIA with Pusan National University, Kyushu University, & Shanghai Jiao Tong University

More than 60 graduate students from the 4 universities, (Pusan National University (PNU), Kyushu University (KU), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)) participated physically and virtually in the Mode-3 CA-EEST Double Degree Program which is being supported by the governments of Japan, South Korea, and China. Activities involved lectures, student presentation, lab tours, technical tour to a global company and field trip, special lab activities in the MEMS laboratory and utilization of 3D pen.

From 16th to 29th August, accommodation for all students and visiting academics are provided by PNU. The Chair of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Zaini Ahmad, gave a keynote speech on the 17th.

Meanwhile, Assoc. Prof. Dr Aminuddin Saat, Dr. Ummikalsom Abidin, Dr. Zulkarnain Abdul Latif, Dr. Chiong Meng Soon, and Dr. Wong King Jye each gave their lectures on their research to the graduate students during the two-week programme. Lectures were also given by the academics from the other universities. 10-minute quizzes were given to the students after each lecture, those attending physically and virtually.

UTM is in the process of getting approval for a double degree master programme with KU, which may be followed by PU and SJTU. The initiative started when KU approached Prof. Dr. Normah Mohd Ghazali in 2021 inviting UTM to be on board the CA-EEST programme.

Subsequently, after several meetings, MoU and MoA proposals were prepared by Dr. Wong King Jye assisted by the team members – Prof. Dr. Normah Mohd Ghazali and Dr. Ummikalsom Abidin. This collaboration opens more doors for our academics and students to strengthen our presence in the global teaching and research platform.

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