The term “bionanotechnology” refers to the combination of biology, or the study of living things, and nanotechnology. It can also be considered a biological application of nanotechnology areas such as antibacterial nanomaterials, nanobiomaterials, nanomedicine, nanoparticles, and nanobiology.
The Center for Sustainable Nanomaterials (CSNano), Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (ISI-SIR), and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) intend to stay focused on and highlight research on sustainable nanomaterials, which is at the heart of bionanotechnology. Sustainable implies that something can be sustained over time with little long-term environmental impact and that it can support or maintain a process that is closely related to “bio,” or living things.
CSNano hosted the first BioNanoSeM in 2020 as a venue for researchers to discuss their progress on each project of the Trans-Disciplinary Research Program (UTM-TDR). The title and focus of the TDR programme are “Antibacterial Wound Healing Application of Bio-Inspired Green Silver Nanoparticles,” and it includes five projects from different disciplines.
We repeated the BioNanoSem in 2021 with a larger participants platform, including other research groups from UTM and other institutions, due to the event’s success, achievement of event objectives, and numerous benefits.
Last year, CSNano, UTM, in collaboration with the Ceramic and Amorphous Group (CerAm), UTHM, and the Green Chemistry Research Group (GChem), Faculty of Science, UTM, hosted the 2nd BioNanoSem2021. The primary goal of BioNanoSem is to learn from different fields and perspectives as bionanotechnology research is multi- and trans-disciplinary.
This year, CSNano collaborated with the National Nanotechnology Centre (NNC), the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI), and the Malaysian Biomaterials Society (MBS), organised the 3rd BioNanoSem 2022. Furthermore, several research centres and other research groups collaborated as co-organizers of this programme:
- Malaysian Solid State Science & Technology Society, UTM Chapter (MASS)
- Ceramic and Amorphous Group (CerAm), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
- Green Chemistry Research Group (GChem), UTM
- Advanced Nano Materials Research Group (ANoMA), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
- Advanced Optical Materials Research Group (AOMRG), UTM
- BioM3D Group PPSG (BioM-USM) Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
- Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI), USM

The event took place at the Everly Hotel in Putrajaya on 4th August 2022 and online platform. This program’s goals include the following:
- To create a platform for researchers and students involved to present and share ideas on topics specifically in bionanotechnology research
- To expose participants in the field of bionanotechnology focusing on innovation and pre-commercialization of research products
- Become a platform for research collaboration with research groups within and outside UTM
More than 100 researchers and students from UTM, USIM, UMT, USM, UPM, UPSI, IIUM, Nilai University, Asia Metropolitan University, DRB HICOM University of Automotive Malaysia, PICOMS, Curtin University Malaysia, National Nanotechnology Centre (NNC), MARDI, and NanoMalaysia Berhad attended the BioNanoSem 2022 physically and virtually. The event was officiated by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), YBhg. Datuk Zainal Abidin Bin Abu Hassan.

The first plenary speaker from NanoMalaysia Berhad, Dr. Daniel Bien Chia Sheng, the Vice President of Innovation Office, delivered a very informative presentation titled ‘REVOLUTIoNT-Commercialising High Value Nanotechnology Solutions to the Market’ and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ruslinda A. Rahim, Director of National Nanotechnology Centre (NNC), who was the second plenary speaker, has shared her presentation on ‘Nanotechnology in Malaysia 2030: The Journey Begins’ in this conference.
There were four keynote speakers from prominent researchers in the bionanotechnology field: President of Malaysian Biomaterials Society, Prof. Ir. Dr. Ismail Zainol, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation), UTM, Prof. Dr. Rosli Md Illias, Director of Centre of Innovation and Consultation, USM, Prof. Ir. Dr. Srimala Sreekantan, and Founder of BioPro Consortium Sdn. Bhd., Dr. Mariani Abdul Hamid, also participated in the conference.
Meanwhile, 9 invited speakers from different institutions, 24 oral presenters, 25 video category and 10 poster presenters, involved as the participants. Novatiq Scientific Sdn. Bhd. who is a leading instrument provider in Southeast Asia, sponsored the BioNanoSem2022 as a Platinum Sponsor, and while the Business Events Sarawak (BESARAWAK) as a Gold Sponsor. Exhibitors from Future Smart Ventures Sdn. Bhd. and University-Industry Research Laboratory (UTM) also joined and showcased their expertise, products and services during the event.

At the end of this event, there are 20 selected projects that are potential for commercialization, were chosen as the best project awards, and these researchers will be able to move on to the next stage for product development under Bionanotechnology Innovation Initiative.

The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) for each product development will be determined as the first step in this initiative. This initiative will train the researchers in product development and collaboration with local industries.
The product will then achieve higher TRLs, up to TRL8 and TRL9, and will be ready for commercialization. In line with the theme of 3rd BioNanoSem 2022 – “Prospering Bionanotechnology Research, Innovation and Commercialization”, this initiative offers guidance and coaching to our local researchers to commercialise their research products, particularly in the field of bionanotechnology.
Prepared by:
Assoc. Prof. Ts. ChM. Dr. Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek, Mrs. Siti Nur Sakinah Ahmad and Mrs. Sabariah Ajis
Centre for Sustainable Nanomaterials (CSNano)
Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (ISI-ISIR)
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
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