UTM Expresses Condolences to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

A powerful earthquake has recently caused at least 1,000 fatalities and injured 1,500 in eastern Afghanistan. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), home to 57 students from Afghanistan, paid a courtesy visit to His Excellency Dr Moheb Rahman Spinghar, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Malaysia, to pay tribute to those affected by the strike. Led by Professor Ts Dr Abd Latif Saleh, Pro-Vice-Chancellor UTM Kuala Lumpur, UTM expressed our heartiest condolences to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on the loss of the precious lives of its people and shared our deepest sympathy following the deadliest calamity which has befallen their country. It was truly a sad occasion but UTM is humbled by the opportunity to come and pay our respects on behalf of Professor Datuk Ts Dr Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, who has sent an official letter of condolences to His Excellency Ambassador. Momentarily, Professor Abd Latif also signed the condolence book on behalf of UTM. UTM Family mourns the loss of lives and homes of the beloved people of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. UTM delegation was also represented by Associate Professor Dr Norhayati Abdullah, Associate Director and Puan Su Zalpha Mohamed, Assistant Registrar, both from UTM International Kuala Lumpur.

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