UTM Press Launched 28 New Books at KLIBF 2022

Kuala Lumpur, Saturday, June 4 – In conjunction with the Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair 2022 (KLIBF 2022), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia took the opportunity to launch its most recent book publications. In the first three months of 2022, Penerbit UTM Press, a member of the Malaysian Book Publishers Association (MABOPA) and Majlis Penerbitan Ilmiah Malaysia (MAPIM), had successfully published 28 books of various genres.

The books published by Penerbit UTM Press are not only limited to creative works, teaching and learning materials, and research results produced by UTM lecturers and researchers. UTM also publishes science fiction novels, artistic works, and books by prominent authors from inside and outside the nation that incorporate scientific content and benefit readers of all ages.

Professor Dr Rosli Mohd. Illias, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, presided over the book launching event of Penerbit UTM Press. “Producing a book is not as simple as we imagine, particularly when producing scholarly literature. The author must conduct extensive research, consult several sources, and perform extensive reading over a lengthy period of time. The written books are valuable works that scholars, students, and even the general public may use as references and guides.”

He added that it is such a shame when detailed results and years of research by tireless researchers, academics, as well as authoritative and recognised authors’ are left unread and untouched by book lovers and the masses.

Moreover, regardless of genre, the books published by UTM have gone through a review process by professionals to ensure that the information is accurate and there are no aspects of distortion in the exhibited facts, theories or data. Additionally, they have been vetted by linguists to ensure that they are easy to comprehend and not tedious to read. “Therefore, I encourage attendees and book enthusiasts at PBAKL 2022 to purchase books produced by Penerbit UTM Press at a special discounted rate,” he said.

Datuk Muhamad Nasir Hj Hamzah, Deputy CEO of Karangkraf Group, Associate Professor Dr Ahmad bin Jusoh, Publishing Director of Penerbit UTM Press, and Dr Lim Swee Tin were also in attendance at the ceremony. The event was also attended by well-known publishers, book business leaders, and authors.

Although UTM holds the status of a Research University, they are committed to releasing publications that are suitable for readers of all ages and education levels. This is evident when Professor Dr Rosli Mohd. Illias and Datuk Muhamad Nasir Hj Hamzah, Deputy CEO of Karangkraf Group, met to discuss potential publishing collaborations in previous meetings.

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