Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputeran, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (PERSAKA UTM) has organized the KNIME Workshop 2022 on 10th May 2022. The workshop was conducted through Webex Meetings with a total of 40 participants involved.
The main goal of this workshop was to introduce School of Computing students, especially Data Engineering students, to the concept and learn on how to use the KNIME software.
The purpose of this workshop is to enhance the participants knowledge on the new data analytics software used in the industry which is KNIME. This workshop is conducted to give the students an opportunity to understand and learn how to use the software in handling data analytics.
KNIME Analytics Platform is the open source software for creating data science. Intuitive, open, and continuously integrating new developments, KNIME makes understanding data and designing data science workflows and reusable components accessible to everyone.
The speaker for the workshop was a Research Officer for the Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation) UTM, Mr. Chew Teong Han. The workshop was held for 2 hours and 30 minutes. The first 2 hours were given to the speaker to conduct the workshop in teaching on how KNIME works, and the remaining time was for the question and answer session.
The workshop opened for the participants to join at 2.15 p.m. and the opening ceremony started at 2.30 p.m.. The emcee introduced the workshop and the invited speaker, Mr. Chew Teong Han to the participants.
After that, the emcee invited the du’a reciter, Mr. Irfan Mustaqim bin Abd Manap to recite the du’a hoping for the program to went well.

After that, the slot was given to Mr. Chew for the learning time where he started by introducing KNIME to the participants, such as what KNIME is and the features available. He also showed where to download and briefly introduced about why he used it.

After the introduction, he then proceeded to show the KNIME software and play around with the software features and functionalities. He did some demonstration to the participants on how he handled the software from the beginning step-by-step and gave several beneficial tips that could help them handle the software easily.

The given time for the speaker to teach the participant on how to use the software in handling the data analytics was quite short. However, the speaker managed to teachthe steps precisely and clearly to make sure all participants can follow and understand what he taught. The time was well spent for the participant to be exposed with KNIME software.

Right after the learning session, the floor was open for questions and answers for all the participants in Webex, if they have any questions about the workshop. The chat box was flooded with many interesting and beneficial questions that the participants were curious about. Mr. Chew successfully answered all the questions given clearly.

After the Q & A session ended, the workshop was close to its end. The emcee invited the Vice President (Activity) of PERSAKA UTM, Ms. Siti Azmina binti Mohamed Masarik, to give her speech and officiated the closing of the KNIME Workshop 2022.

In a nutshell, the workshop has given a clear exposure and great experience to all participants about KNIME software. The workshop went very well flawlessly and it was engaging to the participants.

To commemorate the end of the workshop, everyone turned on their camera and used the official “KNIME Workshop” background to take a picture along with the speaker and participants. The photography session was the end of this amazing workshop.