Towards driving the global agenda, Associate Director of Global Education and Experience, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) International, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Ariffin bin Abu Hassan, continued to visit Macquarie University (MQ) and to the Study New South Wales (NSW) office on 30th March 2022.
MQ is ranked at 200th in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings 2022 and is also accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB).
It is also ranked 98th in the world for graduate marketability in the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022.
A briefing on Macquarie University was delivered by Vice President, Strategy, Planning and Performance, Mr. Jonathan Wylie.
Also present at the discussion session were Director, Global Engagement and Reputation, Mr. Peter Hawke, Deputy Dean, Curriculum and Learning, Assoc. Prof. Stephanie Huang; International Engagement Manager, Mdm. Tina Stubenrauch and Academic Programs Officer, Student and Staff Mobility, Ms. Ashley Lai.
At Study NSW, Director, International Education and Study NSW, Mr. Toshi Kawaguchi presented the roles of Study NSW to support the international education sector.

Among the functions are marketing, promotion and research; and evaluation of strategies to improve the international students’ experiences in NSW.
Also presence in the discussion were Executive Director Strategy & Development, UOW Global Enterprises, University of Wollongong (UOW), Mr. Geoff Drummond, and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Global, University of Newcastle, Prof. Kent Anderson.
UOW is ranked 193rd while University of Newcastle at 197th in the QS World University Rankings 2022.
All universities are keen to strengthen cooperation with public universities in Malaysia under the Consortium of Public Universities in increasing student mobility between Malaysia and Australia.
Meanwhile, Dr. Ariffin hoped that the visit would provide a paradigm shift to the university in ensuring activities at the global level can be planned and implemented strategically in line with the needs for change, competition to attract students and new opportunities in partnership.
He said, the visit opened up a space for collaboration with leading universities in Australia, not only in mobility programs but also other potential collaboration areas.