The Speak Up! Workshop was a program organized by the Student Residential College Committee (JKM) 2021/2022 session focusing on helping students to speak fluently and confidently.
The objectives of this program was to build confidence in students to speak and communicate well in public as well as to improve their performances in presentations, public talks and debates.
The program was led by a college committee member, Marnisha binti Mustafa Kamal, and assisted by several program advisors, namely Dr. Dina Azleema binti Haji Mohamed Nor, Nur Marhain binti Daing Siyamerk and Abdul Al-Hafiis bin Abdul Rahman Lim.

The main purpose of the program was to teach various ways and tips to improve one’s performance during presentations and public speaking.
This program was very beneficial, especially for students, to improve critical and creative thinking. This was also useful for the students to develop better ideas and greater understanding when they are presenting.
Speak Up! Workshop was held via Webex on 5th April 2022 starting at 2.30 p.m.. This program invited Miss Fatin Syasya binti Ahmad Fooad, as the speaker, and also students from various colleges of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
The program began with a prayer recitation by Muhammad Nur Danial bin Noorizan and was officiated by fellow advisor, Dr. Dina Azleema binti Haji Mohamed Nor.
The program was continued with a sharing session by Miss Syasya. She provided valuable tips and techniques on how to speak well and do a flawless presentation.
During her session, there were some pictures and models that were shown by Miss Syasya with guidance for the participants to improve their speech.
Throughout the talk, there were some questions asked by the participants. All of the questions were answered by the speaker without any problem.

The sharing session ended at 3.40 p.m and the next session was ‘breakout‘ session. This ‘breakout‘ session was led by our technical unit, and all participants were divided into groups of ten. They were then instructed to discuss a topic assigned to each group and were given a jamboard for them to convey their opinions.
After that, all groups presented their topics and Miss Syasya gave comments and feedback on their presentations.
Before the program ended, there was a photography session together with all the participants and also with the speaker.

We thanked all the participants for joining our program and hoping for more participants in our next program.