Author: Faculty of Science, Roy Quah Zhi Ming
On 17th December 2021, American Chemical Society, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, International Student Chapter (ACS UTM ISC) held The Research Path programme via Facebook Live.
This programme was a collaboration between External Affairs Department and Activity Department of ACS UTM ISC.
The Research Path programme was organized in a forum format, involving sharing session from the guest speakers.
The objectives of the programme were to share information to students who plan to pursue study in chemistry related fields and prepare them for their future endeavors.
The invited guests were the Director of Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (ISI-SIR UTM), Prof. Dr. Hadi Nur, from Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, UTM, Assoc. Prof. ChM. Dr. Lee Siew Ling, and from School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, UTM, Ir. Dr. Lim Jeng Shiun.
There was about 70 participants involved in this programme from different faculties including Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering UTM.

The programme commenced at 8.30 p.m. with the moderators, Mr. Roy Quah Zhi Ming and Ms. Eng Jia Jia, greeted the audience. They then continued with the introduction of the guest speakers.
After the introduction, the programme proceeded with the forum sharing session with questions ranging from the respected speakers’ personal research experience to their own future expectations of the research field.
Then, a question and answer session was conducted for about 15 minutes to answer all the questions from the audience in the Facebook Live comment section.

The event finally came to an end with the token of appreciation ceremony and group photography session. The ending speech was given by the moderators, Mr. Roy Quah Zhi Ming and Ms. Eng Jia Jia.
All in all, the live session was a major success as it attracted many followers and a mass audience. It was a great sharing by the guest speakers too.
Along the way, this can also be a good publicity for ACS UTM ISC.
ACS UTM would like to thank everyone who made this event happen and a successful one. ACS UTM ISC truly hoped that the live sharing session had inspired the audience in some way to explore more about chemistry related fields and gained some meaningful takeaways from the session.