The first December of 2021 marked the graduation ceremony for MyHackhaton 2020. It has been an exciting year for the Mat Metro team which interestingly seems to be spearheaded or man-powered by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) graduates.

Dr. Mohammad Khairul Shaleh (ThinkersLab Sdn. Bhd.), the Project Manager is a UTM alumni. Also, Mr. Mohammad Safwan Kamson who leads the Augmented Reality (AR) Development team and Mr. Muhammad Anwar Ahmad who leads the VR team are Computer Science graduate 2020. Mr. Muhammad Anwar is currently on study leave, pursuing his PhD and will join the School of Computing, UTM.
Supporting the Mat Metro development team was the consultation team led by Dr. Norhaida Mohd Suaib, alongside Dr. Ajunewanis Ismail and Nor Anita Fairos Ismail from UTM ViCubeLab (Virtual, Vision and Visualization) Research Group, School of Computing, UTM.
Competing against more than 400 proposals shortlisted for the final round and more than 1800 total submissions nationwide for MyHackathon 2020, Mat Metro was selected as one of the winning solutions to the first National Hackathon event.
MyHackathon 2020 was initiated under Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (PENJANA) and organized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and Cradle Fund, with the main agenda of finding solutions to overcome national critical challenges for Malaysia.
Mat Metro pilot project has been completed within six months, as planned. Mat Metro utilizes Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies to strengthen the hybrid learning environment, targeted for introductory skill learning in Mechanical and Electrical content.
Users can search and download the applications from the Google Apps gallery. This project was targeted at the general public or community in mind. Its success contributed from a sound collaboration with many contributive parties such as UTM, ThinkersLab Sdn. Bhd., MOSTI, Cradle Fund, IKM and the community.

The graduation ceremony was officiated by the Minister of MOSTI, YB Dato’ Sri Dr. Adham Baba at Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre (MITEC). YB Dato’ Sri Dr. Adham Baba also had spent some time visiting the MyHackathon 2020 winners exhibition booths after the ceremony. Also, present during MyHackathon 2020 graduation opening speech was Madam Rafiza Ghazali.
MyHackathon 2020 Graduation Day had also successfully appeared in Buletin Pagi, TV3 on the second of December 2021.