Despite the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Research Collaboration on the Development of Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) Main Campus Master Plan between IUIU and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), has reached the finishing line, marked by the presentation of the Final Report on 25th August 2021.
The research collaboration was ratified online by the Rector of IUIU and the Vice-Chancellor of UTM on the 1st July 2020. Institut Sultan Iskandar (ISI) was bestowed with the task of completing the research collaboration and developing the Master Plan.
For these purposes, ISI created and coordinated a multi-disciplinary team of specialists and professionals among IUIU and UTM staff with backgrounds in urban planning, strategic planning, architecture, landscape architecture, real estate, quantity survey, civil and structural engineering, as well as mechanical and electrical engineering.
The multi-disciplinary research collaboration led by the Executive Director of ISI, Prof. Syed Ahmad Iskandar Syed Ariffin, included the collaboration of various specialized centers such as the Centre of Innovative Planning and Development (CIPD), Centre for the Study of Built Environment in the Malay World (KALAM) and Centre for Real Estate Studies (CRES).

The research collaboration focuses on the physical development of the IUIU Main Campus located in Mbale, Uganda, encompassing an area of 255.14 acres of land.
The Master Plan envisioned IUIU, as the only Islamic university in the country, to become an Edupolis by the year 2035, one that is sustainable and inclusive physically, economically, and socially, while staying true to its Islamic values.
Due to several series of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia and Uganda, the UTM team was required to resume the research and development work using various collected data and information obtained, via the representatives in Uganda in online mode, together with the analysis and review from the UTM team in Malaysia.
Although the UTM team was unable to physically attend to the site, which was located about 7499 km away from Kuala Lumpur, moderated by the power of the internet and the advancement of virtual communication, this research collaboration and master plan development was still made possible.

We sincerely thank all of the specialized centers for the cooperation and all the specialists, professionals, researchers, and members of staff who were involved with this collaborative work from the beginning until its completion.
Special mention to all principle investigators from Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics (RFTI): Dr. Wan Nurul Mardiah Wan Mohd Rani and Ir. Ts. Dr. Noorazizi Mohd Samsuddin, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairul Anwar Mohamed Khaidzir, Dr. Noor Aimran Samsudin, Ar. Ts. Noraslinda Abdul Rahman, Lar. Gs. Dr. Muhammad Farid Azizul Azizui, Assoc. Prof. Sr. Dr. Maimunah Sapri, Assoc. Prof. Sr. Dr. Sarajul Fikri Mohamed and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zaly Shah Muhammad Hussein, and Faculty of Engineering: Prof. Ir. Dr. Mahmood Md. Tahir.
We look forward to more opportunities such as this in our initiative to support more sustainable planning and design for the future.