The fourth UTM Global Alumni program has been successfully organised by UTM International.  This time around we featured our alumni from India, Mr. Mohannad Ali Khan.  Mr. Mohannad graduated in 2019 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).  When he was in UTM, he held the position as the President of International Student Society (ISS) India. Mr. Mohannad is currently working in Dubai, United Arab Emirates as a Facilities Engineer in EFS Facilities Services Group. In this duration of his service deliverance, he has worked with some of the Multinational Companies (MNC) which includes AMAZON, EXPO2020 and OTIS.  Recently, Mohannad has completed his certification course on ‘Iterative Innovation Process’ from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.

The program started at 3.15pm MYT and was moderated by Prof. Dr. Nor Haniza Sarmin, Associate Director, Global Strategy & Engagement, UTM International. Mr. Mohannad presented a topic on “Integration of Academic and Co-curriculum is the New Hack to Leading MNC’s” to 78 participants who attended the program via Zoom and Facebook Live. In his sharing, Mohannad explained the ways of entering into the big Multinationals Companies, latest industries trend and strategies in approaching UAE Job Market.  Mohannad divided his presentation into two categories which include how we can nourish ourself and how we can enter into big MNC’s and shine. According to Mohannad, every individual has their own particular skills and it is not always being good in studies. The most important thing is to strengthen the skills and ensure to bring it to the competing world.  Mohannad ended his presentation with a quotation “Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine

It was a very fruitful, inspiring, motivation and amazing sharing and many useful tips have been shared by Mr. Mohannad to the audience.

For the recorded FB Live, please visit https://www.facebook.com/utmikl/videos/465071088187663.
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#utminternational #BringUTMtotheWorld #BringtheWorldtoUTM

Prepared by,
Su Zalpha Mohamed
UTM International

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