Basic French Course was one of the events conducted by Inisiatif Jana Kemahiran Siswa Resak (SINAR) which was organized by Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa (JKM) KTDI.
This Basic French Course was a platform to allow UTM students to study another languages.
This course was held to share the knowledge of basic French to all participants as it will be helpful to increase their potential of job marketability and hence, boost their chances of employment.
This program washeld on 13th November 2021 and was conducted virtually via Cisco Webex meeting platform at 9.00 a.m..
ChM. Dr. Mohd Akmali bin Mokhter was invited as the speaker for this French Course.

On 13th Nov 2021, the crew members, known as SINAR team joined the webex platform at 8.30 a.m. to get ready before starting the course officially.
The program began with the opening ceremony at 9.00 a.m. which was officiated by the program director of SINAR, Muhammad Syaiful Izzhar bin Zulkifli, Principal of Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail, Lt Kol Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Noor Azli Bin Hj. Ali Khan and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs), Y. Brs. Prof. Dr. Shamsul bin Shahibuddin
It was followed by the French course by Dr Akmali.
Along the course, participants had bi-direction interactions and communication as they felt free to ask any questions for better understanding upon certain sub-topic or words.
Dr Akmali also taught various topics ranging from knowing France’s alphabets, words, few sentences for greetings and daily communication in French.

Other than this, Dr Akmali also conducted an online quiz on Quiziz platform for all participants to test their knowledge through this course.
For each question, Dr Akmali discussed the question for each quiz to let participants to have better understanding. It was delighted to say that many of the participants scored high marks in the quiz and successfully showed that this course played a good role and all objectives are achieved during this course to help participants in learning and knowing about French.
Before the course ended, all participants and crews had a photography session with Dr Akmali to keep this moment as one of the memories in learning about French. Lastly, the course ended at 12.00p.m. successfully.