Indonesia Student Society (PPI), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) organized a program for Indonesian students to increase their capacity to organize. Not only leadership is trained in it, but also other soft skills.
The event’s opening was attended by the Indonesian Embassy’s Education and Culture Attaché, namely Mr. Mokhammad Farid Ma’ruf, Ph.D. and Secretary III of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, Mrs. Andita Putri Purnama. Not only that, the Director of UTM Global Education and Experience (GEE) Association and PPI UTM Supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Ariffin Abu Hasan and Prof. Dr. Hadi Nur also presented to give speeches.
One form of PPI UTM collaboration effort is by inviting PPI from other campuses in Malaysia, especially the administrators of the Indonesian Student Association throughout Malaysia, to participate in this activity. The General Chairman of PPI Malaysia was also presented, namely Mr. Haidar Mohalisi.

The distinguishes of Level Up! project from other webinar programs was it applied a learning method that involved all participants in participating and contributing to each session and class. Equipped with case studies that need to be completed within groups, the participants were accompanied by mentors among their seniors.
Within a month, starting from September 6 and ending on October 7, Level Up can accommodate students in developing the basic skills needed in the current era. One of the lessons learned in the first week was leadership, attended by the Chairman of Student Executive Body – Student Family, Bogor Agricultural University (BEM KM IPB) 2021, namely Langit Biru and the General Chairperson of BEM FISIP UI 2021, namely Bayu Satria Utomo.
The leadership lesson was then continued in the second week with “future leader series” theme and involved the creator lab who studied about adobe photoshop, premiere, and podcasts. In the same week, the program also encouraged discussion on administrative matters. With the theme, the committee raised about copywriting, personal branding, as well as matters relating to money management or entrepreneurship.
The program ended with devoted to understanding the organization deeper in terms of its work programs. Some of the lessons given were about understanding the obstacles that occur and also completing case studies. The Chief Executive of Level Up, Ms Alameerah Elza and the entire committee have high hopes for their younger siblings to perform handling work programs that are carried out offline in the future.
In the last message at the closing ceremony, the Chairman of PPI UTM, Muhammad Khairyhanif said that all participants who successfully participated in the series of events from beginning to end were expected to be able to actualize themselves in any organization.