Litecamp with a tagline, “With love, We LITE (Learn, Inspire, Teach, Educate) and Serve” was one of the top bidder programs organized by the Student Residential College Committee (JKM), Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail in collaboration with Jazari Innovation Club and Persatuan Kejuruteraan Awam (PEKA) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The program was conducted online from 19 till 20 August 2021 through Facebook Live and Webex.
It was a program to expose school students around Johor Bahru to the importance of academics in a fun and interactive way as well as to provide a platform for students of Higher Education Institution (IPT) to share their artworks and be devoted to the community. Litecamp had been a fun and new experience for every participant and given them the opportunity to communicate and become teamwork with students from other schools.
The opening ceremony of Litecamp started at 8.00 pm with the welcoming speech by Special Officer to Tuan Haji Omar bin Salleh, Deputy Director for student development sector of Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Johor. Afterwards, it proceeded with a forum titled ‘Study & Steady: Mental Health and Online Learning Tips’ by the Psychology Officer of UTM Counseling Center, Mr. Nurul Aziz bin Mohamed.
Tuan Haji Omar Bin Salleh, Deputy Director for student development sector of Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Johor En Nurul Aziz Bin Mohamed, Psychology Officer of UTM Counseling Center.
Besides that, an asynchronous activity which was the Fantastic Comic Contest had been conducted. The contest was opened to all IPT students from 31 July 2021 till 11 August 2021. A total of 23 students participated and the final 13 comics from them were selected to be print out and distribute to primary school students.
Poster for the contest Contest submissions
On 20 August, an activity with primary school students around Johor Bahru was conducted. The morning slot was filled with a virtual explorace where the school students were divided into six groups in a breakout session and do activities conducted by the crew.
Explorace participants Explorace Explorace
While for the evening slot, an activity named ‘Move It, Lose It’ was conducted by Jazari and PEKA for the upper forms of the secondary schools. It was a game to test the higher-order thinking skills of the students. Through this activity, the crew also managed to encourage the participants to further their studies in UTM. From both slots, the program received excellent feedbacks and it is hoped that there will be more activities like this in the future.
‘Move It, Lose It’ participants & facilitators ‘Move It, Lose It’ participants & facilitators
The closing ceremony was officiated by Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs), Prof. Dr. Shamsul bin Sahibuddin and followed by the announcement of the winners for the contests and activities.
Thank you to all the participants for supporting the program and congratulations to all the winners. We hope to see all of you again in our next program.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs), Prof. Dr. Shamsul Bin Sahibuddin Lt Kol Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Noor Azli Bin Hj. Ali Khan Winner of comic contest