The first MJIIT-JICA Joint Special Webinar had taken place with the theme “Uniqueness of Japanese Engineering Education and Research From Viewpoint of Educational Development in Modernization in Japan”.

The successful event was co-organized by the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology and their long-standing close partner, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on Wednesday, 3rd. March 2021 . More than 200 participants comprising academicians and students from various faculties in UTM had participated in the event. The objective of this webinar was to discuss the uniqueness of Japanese engineering education and the approach of its implementation in MJIIT through understanding modernization of educational development in Japan. In addition, there was also a sharing session by MJIIT academician on their teaching experiences in Japan and Malaysia.
The event started with an opening remarks by the Dean of MJIIT, Ts. Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat, followed by an introduction by the Chief Representative, JICA Malaysia, Mr.Masahiko Takizawa. The audience were then presented with an inspirational video lecture by the honorable guest speaker, Dr.Nobuko Kayashima whom also the Senior Vice President, JICA. The speaker deliberated in detail the development of Japanese education system from the early years until now.
Dr, Nobuko Kayashima had also presented the demographic statistic of the engineering education in Japan in which demonstrated an increasing trend in the future. The webinar continued with an informative panel discussion with Professor Dr. Masafumi Goto and Associate Professor Dr. Wira Jazair reflecting on the experiences in teaching engineering courses in Japan and Malaysia. This insightful sharing experiences gained significant response from the audience. The 2 hours interactive event ended with a Q&A session between the panelist and the audience.