Program Mental Health Sharing with Aiman Psikologi or also known as MEH is an online program talk organized by the Student Residential College Committee (JKM) for 2020/2021 session. This program focused on discussing the problem related to mental health especially among the students during this COVID-19 pandemic era. . This program will help the students to get the idea on how to cope with mental health problem they faced in the right way. This program started at 4.00 p.m. on 19th January 2021 and was held using Zoom Online Meeting. This program was officiated by the program’s fellow advisor, Dr. NurrulHidayah Binti Salamun.

The goal of this program was to raise awareness about mental health continuum to the public and how this mental health is important to us. This program also focused on exposing and reducing the stigma associated with mental health problem. In addition, the panel discussed and elaborated more about the difference between depression, stress and other mental health problem that most of the students face. This program will help the students to get ideas on how to cope with mental health problem they faced in the right way. Since this program was held virtually, the students can freely ask any question to the panel in the chat box and some of the participants asked question directly since the Online Zoom Meeting allowed the interaction between the panel and also the participants. The speaker for this program was Encik Aiman Amri, the Assistant Psychologist of WeCare Allied Health Centre who is famously known as Aiman Psikologi.

The most interesting part for this program was where the panel interacted with the participants and all of the participants gave good responses to the panel. This was where the participants can enjoy and focus until the end of this program. The main aim why the panel chose to use Zoom Online Meeting was so that he could interact freely with all the participants and can see how much he can help the students in terms of mental health.