Strategic Planning Workshop for Software Engineering Research Group: Gearing Up for Future Research

The Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) of School of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) held their annual Strategic Planning Workshop recently on 1st October 2020.

This time around, 14 researchers and two SLAM students who are under the sponsorship of Ministry of Higher Education (KPT) /UTM attended the workshop. The SERG initiative aimed to discuss and develop an action plan for this research group to increase research productivity for year 2020/2021.

Furthermore, this workshop could foster a congenial relationship among research group members which could lead to successful member-to-member research mentoring initiatives. Therefore, a substantial work plan and targets have been planned in this workshop starting from October 2020. A well-defined action plan will encourage the research culture among team members and indirectly contribute to fulfilling the University’s Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

Head of SERG, Dr. Mohd Adham Isa officiated the workshop by congratulating the team members on the research achievements for the year 2020 and emphasizing the need to increase the productivity to drive the research group forward.

He then continued to share with the team members on the international research foresight in Software Engineering domain. It can be concluded that based on the evaluation of recent industrial and societal trends, there are three key factors which will drive the software engineering future which includes speed, data and ecosystem. Hence, Dr. Mohd Adham urged the researchers to steer their research into these domains in software engineering.

The workshop continued by dividing the team members into groups. Each group then presented their research planning and initiatives for year 2020-2021. Special acknowledgement goes to Synapse Innovation Sdn. Bhd., one of the UTM spin-off companies as a key contributor/sponsor to the success of SERG Strategic Planning Workshop.

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