Teaching Enhancement & Learning Innovation Carnival 2020 (eTeLiC’20) is the first-ever virtual carnival organized by the Center for Academic Excellence and Development (CAED), Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International) Office, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) on 21 September 2020 through an online platform, Google Meet. With the theme of New Norm: Cultivating Online Learning, it fits with the current situation that encourages remote teaching due to the COVID-19 crisis.
This virtual carnival offers seven categories: Asynchronous Online Learning, Synchronous Online Learning, Learning Management System (eCampus – Innovative), Low-Bandwidth Online Learning Innovation, eAssessments, New Ideas of Teaching and Learning Innovation, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International) Special Award: Innovative Course Info/Content/Scheme of Work (S.O.W).
A total of 114 entries from public universities and other higher educational institutions all over Malaysia had participated in the carnival. Four teams of senior lecturers from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) have won three gold awards and one silver award.

The first team led by Dr. Noraini Ibrahim, a research fellow of UTM Centre for Engineering Education, and co-led by Dr. Shahliza Abd Halim from (School of Computing) and Dr. Zaharah Johari from School of Electrical Engineering) with the work entitled “Online Requirements Engineering Collaborative Project During Emergency Remote (ER) Teaching and Learning”. The team won a gold award for the e-Assessment category which they virtually showcased their work on the gamification case study as the collaborative project in their course.
Meanwhile, the second team led by Dr. Zaharah Johari which comprised Dr. Mohd Fairus Mohd Yusoff, Dr. Mastura Shafinaz Zainal Abidin, Dr. Noraini Ibrahim and Prof. Dr. Fatin Aliah Phang, also won a gold award under the Asynchronous category with the work entitled “Managing Asynchronous Learning Using e-Learning Lesson Activity in Electronic System Course: Exploration of Learner Perception”.
Another two teams from School of Electrical Engineering won one gold award and one silver award under the category of New Ideas of Teaching and Learning Innovation. The gold award won by a team led by Dr. Mastura Shafinaz Zainal Abidin and co-led by Dr. Zaharah Johari with the work entitled “Integration of Task-driven Approach in Experiential Learning for Electronic Devices and Circuits Course”. The silver award won by a team led by Dr. Fatimah Sham Ismail and co-led by Dr. Nurul Adilla Mohd Subha with the work entitled “Implementation of Cooperative Learning Strategy in System Modelling and Analysis Course”.

eTeLiC’20 has provided a beneficial online platform that gives the best space for educators to share their current Teaching and Learning (TnL) innovations, ideas, as well as best practices that are critically needed to be adopted and adapted especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is well-known that the crisis of COVID-19 pandemic has led to the disruption of the existing education system landscape. On that note, educators all over the world are massively affected and they critically need to learn, unlearn, and relearn to remain sustained and relevant in the inevitable paradigm shift to online learning.
All in all, this virtual carnival has really given a positive impact in celebrating the effort of the educator front liners in giving the best teaching and learning experience, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prepared by: Noraini Ibrahim, Shahliza Abd Halim and Zaharah Johari.