UTM International, Johor Bahru held a Virtual International Engagement (VIE) with Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET), Pakistan on Wednesday, 2nd September 2020.

Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET), Pakistan is a private research university located in the urban area of Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. The university holds a unique reputation for conducting and engaging research in science, energy, and engineering to meet its international standards.

The meeting was chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd Ismid Md Said, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International), accompanied by Prof. Dr Nor Haniza Sarmin, Associate Director (Global Strategy and Engagement) and Mr Ahmad Hilman, Manager (International Relations), UTM International.

SSUET team was led by Prof. Dr Vali Uddin, the Vice-Chancellor and joined by Engr. Syed Sarfraz Ali (Registrar), Prof. Dr Aqeel Ur Rehman (Dean, Faculty of Basic & Applied Sciences), Prof. Dr Muhammad Aamir (Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Chairman, Department of Telecommunication Engineering), Prof. Dr Mir Shabbar Ali, and Dr Rabia Noor Enam (Director, Office for Research, Innovation & Commercialization).

The main objective of this VIE session was to discuss potential collaboration with UTM especially on the opportunities in research areas with UTM Wireless Communication Centre, UTM Construction Research Centre, UTM Centre of Electrical Energy System (CEES) and Azman Hashim International Business School.

Other possible collaborations include (but not limited to) joint academic activities, joint master degree, staff and student mobility, joint supervision and Erasmus+ programs.

Written by: Prof Dr Nor Haniza Sarmin, Mr. Ahmad Hilman Borhan, Ms. Nurhamizah Zul


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