Resak Islamic Day by KTDI Cultivate the Nature of Ad-deen

From 12th till 14th March 2020, Jawantakuasa Kolej Mahasiswa (JKM) Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (KTDI) had successfully held a program called Resak Islamic Day 2020 or better known as REID’20. ReID’20 program provided a platform for all levels of students and community who wanted to cultivate and strengthen the nature of “Ad-deen” as well as hone the talents hidden in each individual.

This program was also an Islamic event that can be joined by others from other religions. The program aimed to encourage vibrant students to perform their religious preaching in a relaxed and chill way while showing the beauty of Islam and Al-Quran language.

On the 12th March 2020, Majlis Iftar was organized inside the KTDI main hall, Dewan Sri Resak to mark the opening of REID’20. This activity had gathered around 200 invited Muslim students. At the same time, many booths were opened in Dataran Resak and many of its items managed to be sold.

After Isya’ prayer, there was a forum titled Sembang Harmoni which discussed “Love Language”. Among the invited panels present in this forum session were Dr. Jaysuman Pusppanathan (School of Biomedical & Health Sciences), Dr. Tan Joo Siang (School of Social Sciences and Humanities), and Ustaz Mohd Nasir Masrom (Deputy Director of Islamic Centre, UTM).

This forum had received a very encouraging response from the students, administrators and the surrounding community who attended the session. Relaxed presentations by panels were also effective for the guests to get helpful inputs on today’s youth issues and more. So in a nutshell, the activity on the first day of ReID’20 was able to run smoothly even though at this time our country was undergoing a pandemic COVID-19.

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