A university is a platform for various parties such as industry and government agencies to collaborate and to facilitate the transfer of expertise and technology which can be done systematically through formal collaboration and exchanging of legal documents, for instance Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) and other instruments.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) always welcomes collaborations and cooperation with the industry and other institutions. To date, UTM has attracted more than 2000 collaborators and has inked more than 300 agreements in 2019 alone to work with UTM in research and education and various other fields.
The collaborations focus on empowering education, exchanging expertise, joint research, and corporate social responsibility as well as providing welfare to students.
Among high impact collaborations that have been recorded are listed according to the type of agreement, as follows:
Microvisual Sdn Bhd is a company which aims to work on development of high precision microscope, worth RM 90k, and Magna Value Sdn Bhd, aims to work on semiconductor deposition system, worth RM 99k, while Cuatro Service Sdn Bhd, will work on AI software, worth RM 70k.
Previously UTM has also cooperated with Kiswire Malaysia who contributed RM 3 million to UTM Endowment Fund in conjunction with the establishment of a Professional Chair. The collaboration between UTM and Kiswire Malaysia has been established through the conduct of joint research, staff development by pursuing postgraduate qualifications at UTM, and UTM staff attachment at Kiswire; and providing scholarship to undergraduate students studying at UTM.
UTM is also in the progress of developing Software Prototype for Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) by collaborating with UMW Corporation Sdn Bhd.
Besides, collaboration with Saga University, Japan to develop the first test of Hybrid Sea Heat (H-OTEC), which will be a global energy-friendly clean energy technology, is timely in the quest for a low-carbon society and achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Partnering for academic and developing students’ skills, UTM has inked an MoU with Dyson Manufacturing through UTM School of Mechanical Engineering. This collaboration does not only expose students to their real workplace in the future, but Dyson also contribute in academic matters as Industry Advisory Panel as well as providing scholarships for students.
Collaboration between UTM and Dyson Manufacturing Sdn Bhd has been proceeding in the form of research development activity and continuing education. Apart from this, technical and professional assistance as well as exchange in research and education materials are also part of the activities conducted for years.

Meanwhile, in an effort to strengthen and expose the importance of certificates to the Halal industry, UTM also signed an MoU with Sertwo International Sdn Bhd.
UTM through the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Sunway University to enable sharing of expertise and facilities between UTM and Sunway University for the benefits of undergraduate up to postgraduate and post doctorate level students.
UTM through the Faculty of Engineering signed an MoU with Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Indonesia to strengthen cooperation in engineering, academic and human resource development, thus strengthening relations between the two countries in the higher education landscape.
Recently, UTM also inked an MoU with Norwegian University of Science & Technology to work on nanotechnology and biotechnology.
UTM has proudly joined a collaboration with the Imperial College of London. This was strengthened by the MoA signed to establish the UTM Centre for Low Carbon Transport in cooperation with Imperial College known as LOCARTic. Since that day, LOCARTic has widened its performance to commission the Engine-Turbocharger Test Rig and also has setup Turbocharger Hot Gas Stand Facility and Energy Recovery System in UTM Pagoh.
LoCARtic is capable to provide comprehensive boosting system characterization from component to engine level assessments. Since its establishment, LoCARtic has produced more than 300 indexed publications and attracted more than RM 30 million in funding from government, national agencies and international industries.

Not only globally, UTM also collaborated with multiple local institutions to work in various fields. This year, UTM signed three MoAs for the following purposes : 1) to work on alumina coating, worth RM 100k with UMK, UniKL and UMP, 2) to work on B40 students’ welfare study, worth RM 100k with UNIMAS, UMP, UNITEN and 3) to work on modeling fluid gas distributor, worth RM 90k with UMP and UTP.
Apart from that, UTM’s quality of academic once again recognized when the Johor State Administrative Officer enrolled in the Special Programs at the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying through an MoA signed previously.
Not only for academic, the collaboration also aimed to focus on welfare and well-being of students. Previously, Johor Port Berhad has donated RM3 million in donations to UTM Endowment Fund at the signing of an MoA.

UTM has also created history as the first institution of higher learning to be appointed as tithe collection agent of the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council Zakat Collection Centre (PPZ-MAIWP) following an MoA signed previously.
To prosper lives and offer education for all, UTM also signed MoA with McDonald’s Malaysia to enable selected modules of the fast-food chain’s internal training programmes to be recognised as transferable credits for the former’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme at the Azman Hashim International Business School (AHIBS). For the first phase, McDonald’s provided RM220,000 for education purpose.
Under the collaboration for academic and students activity, UTM has been a partner for Erasmus+ University, which means the University is able to participate in European programmes, send students and staff members, and receive students and staff from higher education institutions across Europe on study, training, teaching or work shadowing visits.
Remarkably this year, UTM has collaborated with University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic and University of Girona under the Erasmus project. Recently as well, UTM has been appointed a partner in Erasmus+ Shyfte 4.0 Project to provide support to academic and administrative staff in Asian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to design and implement new methodology and learning materials to enhance and improve the competences and skills related to the industry.
Apart from that, UTM for the first time has also hosted an international conference, “Erasmus +: Strategic Intellectual Property Management for Effective Research & Innovation in Asian Higher Education (SPIRE)” involving multiple member countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Philippines and Thailand.
UTM and University of Bologna (UNIBO) also collaborated in an Asian-European consortium to improve the effectiveness of research and innovation management in Asian higher education institutions.
Established in 1088, UNIBO is the oldest university in the western world. It is the top research university in Italy and is one of the leading academic institutions in Europe. It was founded by students for students back then, and now it hosts a community of more than 85,000 students, making it among the largest in Italy.
UNIBO and UTM has been in close collaboration since 2017 in an Erasmus+ project, a European Union programme for capacity building for higher education.
Through this collaboration, UTM as the project lead coordinator was awarded by EU close to RM3.9 million grant to run all the activities.
As a leading award winning university in engineering, science and technology, UTM has definitely come a long way as a partner and provide a platform for High Impact Synergy with Industry and other institutions for the benefit and prosperity of mankind.