On 13 November 2019, Ts. Dr. Sathiabama T. Thirugnana and Dr. Noorlizawati Abd Rahim, who represented the Razak Faculty of Technology & Informatics (RFTI), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) witnessed the STEM Nano Explorace 2019 conducted at Da Men mall, Subang Jaya, Selangor. Students from 3 different schools, SMK Bandar Utama Damansara 3, SK Assunta 1 and SJK(T) Batu Caves consisting of 100 students and 8 teachers participated in the program to promote STEM education, specifically in the field of Nano. We aimed to mark our stance on STEM education, visibility and branding of Razak Faculty of Technology & Informatics. Remarks to the students and teachers were given by Ts. Dr. Sathiabama T. Thirugnana by introducing #utmrazak and the importance of STEM education. The enthusiastic students captured our hearts, which keep us going forward for a better Malaysia. Special thanks to the Malaysia Nanotechnology Association (MNA), Yayasan MyPrihatin and YB Rajiv Rishyakaran (ADUN Bukit Gasing) for their financial support. This program is also supported by the Ministry of Education (MoE) to promote STEM education and 21st Century Teaching and Learning approaches and to revamp the education system. Some of the most vital components of 21st century education which teachers are required to inculcate into their teachings are problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, authentic learning, appropriate use of technologies and cross-disciplinary teaching.

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