On Saturday, 12 October 2019, Girl Guides of UTM had fun organizing the Empower Yourself Program to celebrate International Day of The Girl at Bangunan Perpustakaan Sultanah Zanariah. This program aimed to increase awareness on body confidence and braving the participants (Brownies Unit) to take actions at schools in fighting image myth. This program was officiated by Puan Noraziah Sharuddin, Chief Librarian of UTM. In her opening remarks, she highlighted the importance to have body confidence and reject beauty standards created by our society.

70 participants who are members of Girl Guide Association of Malaysia from 10 schools in Johor Bahru and Pasir Gudang Districts took part and successfully completed the Action on Body Confidence program. This program was a collaborative effort of Girl Guides of UTM, UTM Library, Persatuan Pandu Puteri Malaysia Daerah Johor Bahru and Pasir Gudang. This program enhanced leadership skills of 32 members of Girl Guide UTM as they took up roles as facilitators in Action on Body Confidence program. As program organizer, they have done their job very well.

As a collaborative effort, UTM Library conducted Young School Librarian workshop. The workshop called Bibliography Therapy, taught participants how to use books as a relaxation therapy and informed them on the library system. Thanks to them, now we know how to use books as a relaxation therapy and understand library better.
May this effort create more opportunities to collaborate in the future. Thanks to Puan Bahiyah Yaakub and UTM Library team for their enormous cooperation in organizing this event. Stay tune for more guiding community projects.
Created by: Dr. Nor Zafir Md Salleh and PM Dr. Roziana Shaari (Advisors of GGUTM)