こんにちは Konnichiwa & Assalamualaikum,

おめでとう Omedetou! Congratulations Ms. Choo Tzy Yeng (fourth from left – in green shirt) from Chemical Process Engineering Department (4th year 2018/2019) on securing an employment position at a Japanese company via the special “Study Go Work Japan” program.

Ms. Tzy Yeng was invited to Japan from the 18-23 August to sit for two interview sessions, passing both. She chose one of the companies; Organo Corporation, a comprehensive water treatment engineering company located in Tokyo. She will report for duty in April 2020.

Choo is also one of our students who passed the JLPT N3 for July 2019. MJIIT’s Japanese Language and Culture Unit (JLCU) is providing JLPT classes N5, N4, N3 and N2 to those who want to upgrade themselves. JLPT has 5 levels from N5 to N1. N1 is the highest level and N5 is the lowest.

Most Japanese companies expect candidates with at least an N3 level.

According to Choo, the JLPT N3 class, especially the 2 weeks intensive class in June 2019 has helped her a lot in improving her Japanese language skills and it has given her confidence during the interview sessions.

Double happiness for Ms. Choo and congratulations from all of us in MJIIT UTM!

We hope this news motivates other students to learn Japanese language to secure an employment opportunity in local / internationally based Japanese multinational corporations, and to return to Malaysia for knowledge and talent grooming of our local engineers later.

News credit: Japanese Language & Culture Centre (JLCC), MJIIT UTM.



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