Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) through the Office of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation) and the School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering had the opportunity to receive the visit of Prof Ramaraj Boopathy, a Fulbright Senior Specialist in Environmental Science from Louisiana, USA. His visit to UTM between 3-17 January 2019 was fully sponsored by the United States Department of State through the Fulbright Specialist Grant where in UTM Johor Bahru, Prof Ramaraj was hosted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainul Akmar Zakaria from the School of Chemical and Energy Engineering while in UTM Kuala Lumpur, he was hosted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhayati Abdullah. Prof Ramaraj had the chance to share his vast experience and thoughts with UTM staff and students through the organization of 6 seminars and 2 Publication workshops at various Schools and Faculties i.e. School of Chemical and Energy Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Science, Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT, Kuala Lumpur) and Innovation Centre in Agritechnology for Advanced Bioprocessing (ICA-Pagoh). Besides the casual visits to Johor Bahru city and the Tanjung Piai National Park, Prof. Ramaraj also had discussion sessions with various research groups in UTM such as Environmental Biotechnology Research group (Faculty of Science) and researchers from the Department of Environmental Engineering and Green Technology (MJIIT) as well as courtesy visit to the Vice Chancellor’s office, Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar. UTM looks forward to further collaborate with Prof Ramaraj and his fellow colleagues from Nicholls State University, Louisiana in study fields such as Environment, Water, Wastewater, Biomass, Public health, Bio-renewable energy, New Emerging Pollutants, Bioremediation, Biopesticides, Plant-disease control and Green Technology. Mode of cooperation envisioned are in the forms of joint-research, co-supervision of graduate students, co-authorship of manuscripts, co-editing of books, joint application for grants, joint-workshop and many more.