Kuala Lumpur, May 2018 – UTM welcomed Dr. Adi Nurmahdi, Director of Innovation, Alumni & International Cooperation and his colleague; Mr. Octavianus Bramantha, Secretary of Design & Creative Art Faculty of Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia to UTM Kuala Lumpur on 3rd May 2019.
The meeting started with slide presentations from both universities. Universitas Mercu Buana (UMB) is a private university founded in 1986 accredited with Grade A by the Higher Education Accreditation Body of Indonesia. UMB has 35,000 students in 4 campuses in Jakarta and Bekasi with 6 Schools namely Engineering, Economics & Business, Communication Science, Computer Science, Psychology and Design & Creative Art.
In a joint discussion, UMB provides several cooperation proposals as follows: 1. UMB will provide the opportunity for collaboration in international joint research and publication, whereby a total of 155 research projects with a grant of up to USD1300 per project will be allocated for joint research collaborations between UMB and UTM. The research group is composed of 3 maximum researchers and one must be from UTM.
The research contract is scheduled to be conducted from May until the end of December 2019 and the expected outcome includes joint publication of research articles. Therefore, all staff are invited to cooperate in the research projects with UMB.
2. In addition to finding opportunities to cooperate in the mobility program, UMB voiced out to send their staff as Visiting Professor / Lecturer to teach one subject in UTM. Besides they intend to activate the student mobility program between the two universities.
UMB, who has the experience of running the TNE program with universities in China, has also opened up opportunities for UTM to become a partner in TNE with them. Students will have the option to study at UMB partner campuses abroad. This means 2 years studying in UMB and 2 years abroad.
3. UMB also offers Project Based Learning (PBL) of not more than 10 days program. Students from UMB and overseas partner universities will work as tag teams to discuss and solve problems. This program encourages students to be engaged in acquiring problem solving capabilities, systems thinking, and management skills.
And lastly, UMB is looking for an opportunity to ink an agreement with UTM. UTM welcomes the proposed cooperation and hopes that everything will work smoothly and successfully. UTM is looking forward to have more university partners from Indonesia.