AHIBS Celebrates Iftar with “Harapan” Undergraduate Students in JB Campus

Iftar for AHIBS Harapan Undergraduate Students took place in JB on the 16th May 2019. AHIBS had the privileged to spend a few hours with students of AHIBS JB for Iftar and giving away small gestures of help during this holy month of Ramadan. The program started with a welcoming Hello by the Dean in getting to know the Harapan students of AHIBS after the synergy by giving away of small help of support contributed by AHIBS staff followed by zikir and doa in the month of Ramadan. Iftar began and the students performed Maghrib and Hajat Prayers together for good blessings with their upcoming exams.

AHIBS Harapan Undergraduate Students consists of 44 Harapan Students ranging from across Accounting, Marketing and Technology Management Bachelor Degrees. The Business School strives hard in ensuring students who are underprivileged are being supported and exposed to understand that they are not alone during the whole journey of their studies.  Lately, high cost of living has been a key element of the economy, reports of university students going without proper food, and soaring prices of staple food, especially affecting the low income group. Exposure of ways for them to reach out to us are made transferable through whats app groups, email links and getting academic advisors and lecturers to all play active roles to be familiar with their students well-being are made of most priority. AHIBS will continue to find ways and means of improving the livelihood of their Harapan students by injecting motivational interventions such as team building and more active communication channels that will indeed bring more livelihood to their challenging educational journey.

Highest gratitude and thanks to the Iftar contributors and specifically to the Deputy Dean of Academic JB AP Dr Ahmad Jusoh, Puan Qamariah who is our Academic Executive in AHIBS JB and the team for organising this AHIBS Harapan Iftar 2019. Our hope of blessings to the little gestures we do will bring amongst the highest reward from Allah SWT. Aamin.

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