JOHOR BAHRU, 27 Sept. – Students and staff from School of Civil Engineering (SKA), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) spent their weekend supporting and participating in the gotong royong programme at their school recently.
Led by the Civil Engineering Society (PEKA), the programme was held at Block M47 SKA.
Chair of SKA, Prof. Dr. Khairul Anuar officiated the programme and it was also attended by the Associate Chair of Academic, Prof Dr Rosli Hainin and Associate Chair of Facilities, Assoc. Prof. Dr Ahmad Safuan Abd Rashid.
Students were divided into several groups and they were briefed by PEKA member about the itinerary of the programme. They were then sent to different locations within the school premises with one goal – to clean the SKA area.
The programme was held through out the morning as most of the areas were cleaned.
It was a good programme to involve students to develop their sense of belonging to the school as they can contribute to the place they are studying.