Kuala Lumpur, 14th April 2018. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in collaboration with Language Academy and Kawasan Rukun Tetangga Setapak Jaya 1A and Sek. Keb. Taman Seri Rampai, Setapak has launched CAKNA DIDIK 2018 project at the Public Housing KRT of Setapak Jaya 1A, Kuala Lumpur.
Cakna Didik is a research-based reading project headed by Dr Nor Liza Haji Ali of Language Academy, UTMKL.
The project has three main objectives: First, to motivate the Year 6 students of Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Seri Rampai, Setapak in reading English storybooks in preparation for the UPSR 2018.
Second, to instil leadership skills, confident communication, and team working among the facilitators (UTM students and KRT Jiran Muda).
Third, to train young KRT Jiran Muda members to manage the reading station as well as to provide reading support for young readers.
The program is in support of the aspiration in the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025 in raising the standard of English literacy for students in the poor-urban schools and also the aspiration of TN50 in instilling responsiveness and volunteerism spirits among youth (facilitators).

The project comprises two parts: setting up a reading station and conducting intervention series. The reading station is to provide access to books for leisure reading for the students as well as the community. Books were selected according to the target group in terms of language and content. In addition, a series of four interventions will be conducted to educate students to learn English while reading leisurely. The intervention is using research-based strategies in inculcating motivation for reading and will be conducted by facilitators under lecturers’ guidance.

The project is funded by (i) Yayasan Amal Wangsa, (ii) DBKL, (iii) IM4U, (iv) Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, (v) Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia and also individuals. Internally, it is also jointly organized by the Centre for Community and Industry Network (CCIN) UTM and UTM Library Kuala Lumpur.
The ceremony was officiated by Yang Berhormat (YB) Tan Sri Dr Hj Zulhasnan bin Rafique, the Malaysia US Ambassador and the patron of Yayasan Amal Wangsa. Also present were Yang Berbahagia Pro Vice-Chancellor UTM Kuala Lumpur Professor Dr Shamsul bin Shahibuddin, IM4U Director Events and Network, En Nizam Aman, representatives of Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia and Jabatan Perpaduan Daerah Sentul.
In the speech, YB Tan Sri Datuk Zulhasnan hoped that the programme would be a pioneer and aspiration to the local community especially the youth to enhance their awareness and interest in reading in English, and if this programme is successful, he planned to introduce it to another 19 KRTs in Setiawangsa.