KUALA LUMPUR, 24 February 2018 – Three teams named “HEALTH SIGHT”, “JOY” and “RBC” from Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE) were successfully shortlisted into the Imagine Cup National Final 2018.

Among 12 teams from different local and private universities in Malaysia, they managed to be the top six teams in the semi national final and shortlisted into the national final of Imagine Cup Malaysia 2018.
Imagine Cup Semi National Final 2018 was held in Microsoft Malaysia Office, Menara 3 Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, today.

Imagine Cup is a global competition that empowers the next generation of computer science students to team up and use their creativity, passion and knowledge of technology to create applications that shape how we live, work and play.

The champion of the Imagine Cup National Final 2018 will be representing Malaysia to compete with other champions from multiple countries in Asia.
The team called “HEALTH SIGHT” consists of 3 students, who are Lim Ji Chen, Chin Linn Kern, Chin Hung Vui. Under the guidance of Dr Eileen Su Lee Ming, they successfully developed an intelligent surveillance system that is able to understand and predict activities and movements of the patient to prevent unwanted incident using deep learning technology.

“JOY” team won the judges over as well by coming out with an elderly companion robot which is able to reduce the loneliness of the elderly as well as assist the nurses in the elderly care centre. The team members are Tan Pei Seng, Lee Chee Heng and Goh Kai Woon and supervised Dr Yeong Che Fai.
This project also has collaboration with Dr Lim Geng Yan, CEO of Jasper Lodge Elderly Care Centre.
“bbCare”, which is a portable IoT fatal monitoring system, was successfully developed by “RBC” team.
It is a machine learning based fatal monitoring patch which is small, lightweight, comfortable and convenient to use. This project is developed by Cheah Weng Soon, Lee Kong Yong and Tew Ken Sam. The team is supervised by Dr Yeong Che Fai also and with Dr Mohd Amri Bin Md Yunus.