JOHOR BAHRU, 16 April 2017 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) alumnus Mohamad Syawal Md. Zain was selected to receive The Malaysian Society for Engineering & Technology (MySET), MySET-Ikhtisas Student Excellence Award 2017.

The award was given at The National Engineering and Technology Convention 2017 and MySET 10th Annual Meeting which held at the Bangi-Putrajaya Hotel, Bandar Baru Bangi on 8 April 2017 by the President of MySET, Emeritus Prof. Dato’ Ir. Abang Abdullah Abang Ali.
The Secretary General of MySET, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tania Idaty Mohd. Ghazi said that for 2017, two recipients were selected to receive the awards. The candidates came from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and UTM.
“The requirements set for the candidate to receive such an award were that the particular person must be an active member of MySET besides obtaining good academic results.
“As for Mohamad Syawal, he graduated with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering with a Cumulative Group Point Average (CGPA) of 3.74. He currently serves as Site Engineer at Greencon Sdn. Bhd, Kuala Lumpur,” said. Assoc. Prof. Tania.
The MySET-Ikhtisas Excellence Student Award of 2017 was sponsored by Ikhtisas Ingineur Sdn. Bhd for the duration of five years with the focus of awarding the best engineering students from local universities starting with UTM and UPM.
“This award recognition was initiated by the MySET Young Professional Standing Committee, featuring a cash prize of RM1,000.00 and a certificate,” she said.