The Fourth Biennial International Group Theory Conference 2017 (4BIGTC2017)

KUALA LUMPUR, January 23, 2017 – Applied Algebra and Analysis Research Group (AAAG), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), in collaboration with Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, UTM and UTM International, is proudly organizing the Fourth Biennial International Group Theory Conference 2017 (4BIGTC2017) at UTM Kuala Lumpur from 23 January until 26 January 2017. Biennial International Group Theory Conference (BIGTC) is a conference that is organised every two years, and as agreed since its commencement,, will be hosted by three countries: Malaysia, Turkey and Iran.  However, other participating countries are very much welcomed to host the conference as well.  The First Biennial International Group Theory Conference was held on 14-18 February 2011 at Ibnu Sina Institute, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Johor. The second conference was held on 4-8 February 2013 in Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey and the Third Biennial International Group Theory Conference was organised by the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran from 28-31 January 2015. 

This year, BIGTC came back to Malaysia and UTM has once again be chosen to host the fourth BIGTC conference.  This conference is chaired by Prof Dr Nor Haniza Sarmin, AAAG Research Group Leader and Director (Global Education) in UTM International, while the Scientific Committee is chaired by Prof Dr Ahmad Erfanian from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.

The aim of this conference is to exchange research ideas among experts in group theory from around the world. A total of 65 international and local researchers from over 25 universities from nine countries across the globe will participate in 4BIGTC2107.

At this conference, international researchers from Iran, Turkey, United States of America, United Kingdom, Indonesia, South Africa and Russia while local participants, who are mostly researchers and postgraduate students from UTM, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Islam Antarabangsa (UIA), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) and Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM), will have the opportunity to present their latest research.  This conference too will, at the same time, provide opportunities to  encourage postgraduate students to progress and widen their knowledge in group theory.

This conference also presents 14 world-renowned Group Theorists as invited speakers who are Prof Dr Jamshid Moori from North-West University (Mafikeng), South Africa, Prof Dr Mark Lewis  from Kent State University, USA, Prof Dr Alireza Abdollahi  from University of Isfahan, Iran, Prof Dr Feride Kuzucuoglu from Hacettepe University, Turkey, Prof Dr Ismail Guloglu  from Dogus University, Turkey, Prof Dr Mahmut Kuzucuoglu  from Middle East Technical University, Turkey, Prof Dr Mohammad Reza Darafsheh from University of Tehran, Iran, Prof Dr Mohammad Reza Rajabzadeh Moghaddam  from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, Prof Dr Nikolai Vavilov  from Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia, Prof Dr Pudji Astuti Waluyo  from Institut Teknologi Bandung,  Indonesia,  Assist Prof Dr Mustafa Gokhan Benli  from Middle East Technical University, Turkey, Dr Anitha Thillaisundaram  from University of Lincoln, UK, Dr Dilber Kocak  from Texas A&M University, USA and Dr Wong Kok Bin  from Universiti Malaya, Malaysia.

Over the years, BIGTC has provided huge opportunities, especially for young researchers and postgraduate students, to delve deeper into the research in group theory, to collaborate with group theory experts from around the world, and ultimately to build a cross-border platform for international joint-research works.

For more information and program inquiries, please visit 4BIGTC2017’s official website at

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