Four UTM lecturers conduct Training Programmes in Sudan

KUALA LUMPUR, 16 December 2016 – Four Associate Professors from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) were invited to conduct a training Programme on Postgraduate Supervision and Curriculum Development at the Sudan Univ of Science and Technology (SUST).

They are Dr Khairur Rijal Jamaludin and Dr Astuty Amrin from Razak School together with two Assoc Professors from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Dr Normah Ghazali and Dr Adnan Hassan.

Group one participants of Postgraduate Supervision Skill programme.
Assoc Professor Dr Khairur Rijal and Assoc Professor Dr Astuty with one of the paricipants.

Dr Astuty said, they conducted Post Graduate Supervision Skills for three days from 6 December to 8 December and Outcome-based Education n Curriculum Development from 10 December to 14 December.

“The program were jointly organised by SUST and Sudan Ministry of Higher Education.

“The aim of the training is to share our experience in running post graduate research and supervision in a systematic and efficient way” she said.

As a graduate-focused university, UTM has the capacity and expertise in terms of supervision of students at postgraduate level, having graduated more than 5,000 students at PhD level and many more at Master’s level.

She explained, the participants were not only from SUST but also from several universities in Sudan including University Al-Neelain, University El Imam El Mahadi, University Bakht Al Ruda, Shendi University and University Wadi Nil.

The opening ceremony was officiated by Deputy Vice Chancellor of SUST, Prof Dr Mahir Salih.

In his speech, Dr Mahir highlighted that among all the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signing with institutions of higher learning, the one with UTM is the most fruitful and rewarding.

He said, the same group from Razak School came in February this year to conduct training program on Research Methodology to SUST lecturers.

The MoU between UTM and SUST was signed by UTM Vice Chancellor Professor Datuk Ir Dr Wahid Omar and his counterpart, Professor Dr Hashim Ali Salim in April 2014.

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