Three representatives from Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) visited the Faculty of Built Environment on 30th of November 2014.  The representatives were Professor Shimizu, Tetsuo, Assistant Professor Furukawa, Naoaki and Assistant Registrar Mr. Shibata, Kenzaburo.  The purpose of the visit was to assess and gauge the progress of five (5) TMU students who are studying at the faculty beginning Semester 1 2014/2015, for a period of 1 semester under the ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) Program.

During the visit, the representatives observed the TMU students at the “Tourism Planning” and “Planning Practice” lectures and had the opportunity to meet with the lecturers concerned.  They also took photographs and did a video recording of the lectures and listened to a presentation of a project on “Tourism Planning” by one of the student from TMU.

The three representatives also had discussions with the Deputy Dean (Academic Affairs), the Head of Department (Urban and Regional Planning) and the Course Coordinator (Urban and Regional Planning) on the planning of the AIMS program for 2015.

Opportunities for the involvement of even more students from the Faculty of Built Environment and the involvement of students from other faculties in UTM were also discussed. The Faculty gave feedback on the performance of the TMU students, their experiences studying at the Faculty and living at the respective residential colleges in UTM.

The representatives from TMU also reported on the progress made by Ainee Khatijah Zainuddin, a Fourth Year Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning student from the Faculty who is at TMU under the same program and 2 (two) academic staff of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning pursuing their PhD at TMU.


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