GEZIRA, Sudan, 7 August: – Members of Student Representative Council, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (MPMUTM) get the warmest welcome from the Vice Chancellor University of Gezira while visiting the campus this morning.
Prof. Dr Mohamad Varrag Omer greeted the delegate at Mubarak Conference Room at Arrazi Campus which were attended by Dean of Academic Affairs, Prof. Osman El Amin, Dean Faculty of Medicine Prof. Haydar Babiker, senior officers and members of Gezira Faculty of Medicine Student Association.
In his speech, Prof Mohamad Varrag welcomed the students and mentioned his gratitude towards the students’ initiative to carry out humanitarian aid mission in the country and hoping that this program will be continued in the future.
“We are happy to see UTM students doing humanitarian aid mission in Sudan and visiting Gezira University and hope this effort will strengthen the collaboration between UTM and Gezira University.
“Gezira University is in the midst of preparing a document to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with UTM and collaborating in various fields to benefit both parties,” he said.
Prof. Mohamad Varrag said, Gezira University and UTM will sign the memorandum soon once both parties agreed with the content of the document.
He cited, the MoU will enhance the collaboration between UTM and Gezira University especially in research and development, academic program, human resource development, as well as exchange staffs and students.
The matters were discussed during the visit of his counterpart, Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar and Dean of UTM Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Prof. Dr. Awaluddin Mohd Shahroum to Sudan, recently.
Meanwhile, Nadhirah thanked the Vice Chancellor for the great hospitality given throughout this mission.
“Gezira University is hosting and provide us with accommodation at the University Rest House and we were brought to visit a few campuses and research centers in Wed Medani,” she said.