16 August 2014 – Mr. Nik Azmi bin Nik Mahmood, who is currently pursuing his pHD part-time at Fakulti Kejuruteraan Kimia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (FKK,UTM), is the first price winner of a 1st Creative Science Writing competition for postgraduate students sponsored by Young Scientists Network Malaysia-Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM). The competition was to promote science and interest among the public and one of the activities under the Science Journalism Flagship Program of YSN.

Mr. Nik Azmi, is also a full-time lecturer at Department of Bioprocess Engineering in FKK, won the essay writing competition entitled, “ Youth and Sciences” based on his perceptions and ideas on how youth should relate science as a fun and motivating for all in life.

In his essay, according to Nik Azmi, he tries to address on how to promote science to all level especially young people as early as primary school level and urge the support of governmental bodies on helping youth in any way to strive understanding, contributing and achieving excellence in science.

In the award ceremony being held at Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Mr. Nik Azmi have been awarded, a winning trophy together with certificate and a check of RM1000, defeating 7 other potential recipients from various local universities in Malaysia.

Congratulations Mr Nik Azmi and hope this will be a steppingstone for more contributions to the faculty and mainly for UTM.

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