DSC_0277JOHOR BAHRU, 30 January – Vice Chancellor Professor Ir Dr Wahid Omar led a group of five Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) officers to visit Southampton University on 21st January 2014.

The UTM delegate included the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research & Innovation, Prof. Ir Dr. Mohd Azraai Kassim, Senior Director, UTM International, Prof. Dr. Nordin Yahaya and Dean of Transportation Research Alliance, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nazri Mohd Jaafar.

Professor Wahid and the UTM team were welcomed by his counterpart Professor Don Nutbeam prior to the meeting with the Dean and Programme Directors of the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, Southampton University.

The visit to Southampton University aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation in research and development, exchange of staff and students and study the establishment and management of spin-off companies.

“Southampton University has strong research in engineering and innovative marketing of graduates as well as good record of spin-off companies and innovation. The engagement with Southampton University would benefit UTM in many ways.

“UTM will send a team from its Innovation and Commercialization Centre (ICC) to learn more from Southampton University about the establishment and management of spin-off companies,” said Prof. Wahid.

He cited that Southampton University has an extensive range of world-class laboratory equipments where UTM could leverage on through research collaboration.

It is also highlighted that Southampton University has a long list of impressive research projects that have brought high impact to United Kingdom, the nation and community as a whole. UTM could learn the methods of research communication from them through attractive presentation materials and publications.

The UTM delegates spent five hours at Southampton University and took the opportunity to visit the wind tunnel, national Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton (nCATS), accompanied by the Head of the Engineering Sciences Unit, Dr Martyn Hill.

After the campus tour, the UTM delegates joined the wrap up meeting with the Pro Vice-Chancellor of International, Professor Mark Spearing and CEO of the University of Southampton Malaysia Campus, Professor John McBride.

“The presence of University of Southampton Malaysia Campus (USMC) in Iskandar Malaysia and the establishment of Southampton University office in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore should be leveraged to enhance academic and research collaboration between the two institutions.

“Easy-to-manage activities could be implemented immediately such as PhD joint supervision, invitation of public lectures and appointment of USMC professors as PhD thesis external examiners” said Vice Chancellor Prof Wahid.

He said both universities agreed to conduct meetings and visits to discuss a detailed plan for collaboration.
















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