KIAFJOHOR BAHRU, December 7th, 2013: A group of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia’s (UTM) researcher led by Dr. Yeong Che Fai won three special awards at the Korea Invention Award Festival 2013 (KIAF2013), last week.

They brought home the King Sejong Inventor Order of Merit Special Award and Rehabilitation & Therapy Order of Merit through Compact Rehabilitation Robot (CR2) and the Industrial Invention Order of Merit Award contributed by the Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV).

The CR2 was specially designed to be a low cost and effective rehabilitation platform for stroke patients by using enhanced virtual reality environment and haptic feedback, meanwhile the AGV was developed to transport load using automatic and unmanned robotic design vehicle system.

The research group members comprising Dr. Eileen Su Lee Ming and Khor Kang Xiang are from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, supervised by the Director of the Centre of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIRO), UTM.

Dr. Yeong Che Fai and his team took three years to develop the AGV and CR2 through the UTM Innovation and Commercialisation Centre (ICC), which are expected to meet the competitive market local and abroad.

Both products are expected to account for UTM earnings of not less than $500,000 during its commercialization stage in the near future.

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