UTM is the only organisation regionally, with 30 Certified Energy Managers (CEM).  The CEMs comprising of academicians and non-academicians are undergoing 2nd Certification – conversion to the Registered Electrical Energy Manager (REEM) under the Energy Commission.

UTM is the first organization to be awarded the 1st EMGS (Energy Management Gold Standard) AEMAS (ASEAN Energy Management Accreditation Scheme – Equivalent of ISO50001) at Greentech Energy Seminar in 19 July 2011U – This was secured after the AEMAS 1 STAR Audit on UTM Energy management systems on 5-6 July, 2011.

UTM was the winner of ASEAN Energy Award 2012 – Large Building Category (UTM competed with multi-nationals such as Toyota, Samsung, Hyundai, Sheraton hotels and many more industries and conglomerates to secure the first place.

UTM is the first organization in ASEAN awarded 2nd STAR EMGS at AEMAS Energy Conference 29 January 2013.  EMGS AEMAS 2nd STAR Audit was conducted on 14-15 January, 2013.

UTM signed an MOU and MOA with Green Tech Malaysia as the national centre for Certification of Energy Managers for the Southern Region, on cost-sharing basis.  The first batch of Certification Training for 32 participants will be held next week.

This semester, UTM start to offer a regionally unique MSc Energy Management program that combines Master degree and Energy Manager certification – that builds upon the best practices in Energy Management that starts in UTM campus.

UTM has been consulted by regional companies overseas and multinationals for advise on setting up Energy Management System and ISO 50001.

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