Janda Baik PAHANG, 30 June 2012:  More than 90 participants consisting of top management and senior officers of UTM attended a retreat in Janda Baik from 28th to 30th June, 2012,  aimed at strengthening UTM’s institutional DNA for a more vibrant and sustainable learning culture and dynamic innovation ecosystem.

In his opening speech, Vice Chancellor Datuk Zaini Ujang started by looking at UTM in perspective, where it is now a reputable research university with autonomous status.

The Vice Chancellor also engaged the staff in an awareness raising session on the DNA of UTM, which comprises the distinct features that define UTM, differentiating it from other institutions.

Among the DNA of UTM identified include its culture of sustainability; New Academia; Key Amal Indicator; Blue Ocean Strategy approaches in transforming UTM; happy, healthy and sustainable campus; high performance culture; global player; lean organization; consultative; inclusive; integrity and accountability.

It was also highlighted that the values that UTM subscribe to should be translated properly in meaningful and impactful ways to ensure continued success of UTM.

Various accomplishments of UTM were also highlighted, among others including the fact that UTM is the university with the highest number of postgraduate students in the country, especially in the field of engineering and technology.

At the same time, UTM has also established a wide network of smart partnership and synergistic alliances with various institutions and organizations abroad through its internationalization initiatives.

Through a number of engaging sessions, the retreat saw the participants interacting in stimulating discussions revisiting and developing compelling vision and mission statements, profiling the UTM DNA with a view to strengthening it.

At the same time, the participants also discussed various transformation programmes of the university that would translate the UTM DNA into value-driven and impactful ways.

The participants also engaged in healthy competitions in various sports and games through Explorace.

In the closing session, the participants expressed satisfaction, finding  the retreat rewarding and meaningful.



more photos : http://photos.utm.my/2012/07/02/utm-top-management-retreat-strengthens-ties-for-a-more-impactful-future/

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