The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE-UTM) Student Chapter is proudly organising Shell Inter-Varsity Student Paper Presentation Contest (S-SPEC 2013) which is solely sponsored by Shell. S-SPEC 2013 will be held at Senate Hall, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai, Johor on the 17-18th May 2013.With the theme “FUELLING SUSTAINABLE GREEN ENERGY” comes at a very appropriate time, this is the moment where rising awareness of expanding the recovery of energy resources is needed as it is essential in the industrialization and sustainable development for the national glory. We hope to bring mutual benefits to students, guests and company people.

The programmes which will be organized during S-SPEC 2013 are as following:
– Paper Presentation Contest
– Poster Presentation Contest

Interactive Sessions with Shell:
– Career with Shell
– Mock Interview Workshop
– Resume Writing

About S-SPEC 2013

Shell Inter-Varsity Student Paper Presentation Contest (S-SPEC) is an annual event organised by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE-UTM) Student Chapter in collaboration with Shell as the generous sponsor. The event aims at providing a platform for the students to present their ideas in the fields of engineering, technology, health, science and environment as well as to develop new ideas in order to shape our future. It is also hoped to instill awareness among them on the importance of innovations and inspiring activity for shaping tomorrow’s future.

Briefly about the history, S-SPEC was first successfully organised by SPE-UTM Student Chapter and Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering (FKKKSA) in 2002 with the collaboration from Shell. Shell played a vital role in the achievement of S-SPEC, not only as the sole sponsor of S-SPEC but also as the advisor that led towards the great success of S-SPEC. Each and every year, this contest received good feedback from undergraduates and postgraduates from local and private universities. With great success over years, SPE-UTM Student Chapter and Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering (FPREE) wishes to continue this effort to organise S-SPEC 2013 for the 12th time together with Shell.

S-SPEC 2013 will cover a broader field of research and reinforce publicity to involve more undergraduates and postgraduates from the local and private universities in Malaysia. We hope that S-SPEC 2013 will address the value and role that every people in oil and gas industry has to play in order to create the opportunity and medium for the new generation to utilise their creativity and critical thinking in generating fresh ideas in technology.


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