Aachen, Germany, 13 July 2012: UTM Vice Chancellor, Datuk Prof. Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang accompanied by Prof. Dr. Jasmy Yunus, (Dean of Health Science and Biomedical Engineering) and Prof. Dr. Eko Supriyanto (Head of Department of Clinical Science and Engineering), visited RWTH Aachen (Aachen University of Technology), Germany, from 12 to 13 July 2012. The visit has an objective to establish collaboration between UTM and RWTH Aachen in the area of Biomedical Engineering especially on Cardiovascular Engineering.
The first day was spent visitingAachen University Hospital and Helmholtz Institute of Biomedical Engineering. The delegation was given a briefing about the Institute by Prof. Dr. Zenke (Director of the Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering), Prof. Dr. Med. Schmitz-Rode (Chair of Applied Medical Engineering), Prof. Dr. Ing. Steinseifer (Head of Department for Cardiovascular Engineering) and Prof. Dr. Med. Jockenhövel (Head of Tissue Engineering Department). The Institute has 7 Chairs and one of them is Applied Medical Engineering (AME), which focuses on Cardiovascular Engineering, Tissue Engineering, and Biophysical Measurement technique. The research focus of AME includes artificial heart, heart valve replacement, heart monitoring, and cardiovascular system simulation.
The delegation was then brought around to the various research laboratories in Helmholz Institute which include among others laboratory for cardiovascular engineering, tissue engineering, and cell biology. In the evening, the delegation was treated to a dinner function hosted by Chancellor of RWTH Aachen, Mr. Nettekoven.
Photos: RWTH Aachen University Hospital

On Friday, 13 July 2012, a meeting was held between UTM delegation and Prof. Dr Med. Rossaint (Pro-Rector for Research and Structure), Prof.Dr. Med. Uhlig (Dean of Faculty of Medicine), Prof.Dr.-Med. Schmitz-Rode and Ms. Bettina Dinter (Director of Asian Program, International Office RWTH-Aachen) to discuss on possible collaboration between the two universities. Among the items that were discussed were attachment of 10 UTM postgraduate students in Aachen within 3 years; joint supervision of UTM postgraduate students; sending of 10 UTM staff to pursue PhD studies in Aachen within 5 years; visiting professors from Aachen University to UTM. This meeting also identified Cardiovascular Engineering as a starting point of collaboration and a possible seed grant of USD 100,000 to jump start the initiatives.Another outcome of the meeting is the possibility of setting up Aachen-UTM Centre of Cardiovascular Engineering.
RWTH Aachen is a top ranked engineering and natural sciences university in Germany. This university has more than 4500 academic staff and 35,000 students including more than 5000 international students. Aachen University of Technology has 10 faculties including Medical Faculty and a University Hospital with 1400 beds. The focus of RWTH Aachen medical research is Cardiovascular and Oncology. The Medical Faculty also runs a Master Degree program in Biomedical Engineering as an inter disciplinary master program.
Photos: UTM Vice Chancellor presents UTM internationalization strategy and partnership
Photo: The first heart pump prototype developed by RWTH Aachen

Photo: From left to right: Prof.Dr.-Med. Rossaint (Prorector for Research and Structure, Ms.Bettina Dinter (Director of Asian Program, International Office RWTH-Aachen), DatukProf.Dr.ZainiUjang, Prof.Dr.JasmyYunus, Prof.Dr. Thomas Schmitz-Rode, Prof.Dr.-Med. Uhlig (Dean of Faculty of Medicine), and Prof.Dr. Ulrich Steinseifer.