BANGI, 13th June 2012: Vice Chancellor of UTM Prof. Datuk Dr. Zaini Ujang accompanied by four academic staff visited Malaysian Nuclear Agency (MNA), today.

The UTM delegation comprised Dean of Faculty of Petroleum Engineering and Renewable Energy, Prof. Dr. Ariffin Samsuri, Dean of  School of Postgraduate Studies (SPS), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nordin Yahaya, Deputy Dean of SPS, Prof. Dr. Shaari Mohd Yusof and Prof. Dr. Alias Mohd Yusof.

They attended to by Director General of MINT, Dr. Muhamad Lebai Jury. The purpose of the visit was aimed at potential coorperation between UTM and MINT in the field of nuclear science research. Among the places visited were Agriculture and Bioscience Center that concentrates on agricultural research which uses nuclear technology.

The Vice Chancellor and his entourage were brought to ALUTRON Laboratory (Electron Beam Irradiation Facilities) and brief on how an electron beam processing can generate up to 3.0 MeV high energy electrons.

The laboratory also provides efficient irradiation process and high uniformity as well good control.

Finally they visited Triga Reactor Center, a pool reactor located at the bottom of the seven-meter high alumunium tank that is surrounded by a biological shield made of high density concrete.

The reactor uses solid hydrade-zirconium fuel source combined with enriched uranium.

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