Hadi Nur was born on the 6th of May 1969. His main field in undergraduate and graduate studies was in chemistry and materials engineering at the Institut Teknologi Bandung. He obtained his B.Sc. and M.Eng. (cum laude) degrees in 1992 and 1995, respectively. Shortly after that, he continued his postgraduate studies in zeolite chemistry at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) as he received his Ph.D. degree in 1998. His postdoctoral studies started with a year as a UTM Postdoctoral Fellow and with two years as a Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellow at Catalysis Research Center (CRC), Hokkaido University, Japan. He continued there as a Center of Excellence (COE) Visiting Researcher at CRC for half a year. His academic career began with the appointment as a Lecturer in the Ibnu Sina Institute for Fundamental Science Studies, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2003, after one year working as a Research Officer in this institute. He was promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer in 2007, to Associate Professor in 2008 and to Professor at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2010.

He has authored and co-authored more than 150 publications on many topics, focusing on heterogeneous catalysis and advanced materials including 60 publications in refereed journals with the ISI and Scopus h-index: 9 and the Google Scholar h-index: 12. The papers were published in reputed journals, such as Chemical Communications, Journal of Catalysis, Langmuir, Catalysis Communications, Applied Catalysis A: General, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, Catalysis Today, Catalysis Letters, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letter, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, Materials Letters, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology, Solid State Sciences, Journal of Hazardous Material, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, Journal of Composite Materials, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Environmental Earth Sciences, Natural Hazard, Journal of Brazilian Chemical Society and Materials Research Bulletin.

He is a member of the Editorial Board of Jurnal Teknologi (2010 – present), Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis (2006 – present) and Journal of Fundamental Sciences (2005 – present).

He is a reviewer for the following international journals: Applied Catalysis A: General (Elsevier B.V.), Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical (Elsevier B.V.), Catalysis Communications (Elsevier B.V.), Chemical Engineering Journal (Elsevier B.V.), Chemical Papers (Springer-Verlag GmbH), Colloid and Polymer Science (Springer-Verlag GmbH), Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology (Elsevier B.V.), Materials Research Bulletin (Elsevier B.V.), Materials Chemistry and Physics (Elsevier B.V.),  Catalysis Letters (Springer-Verlag GmbH), Applied Surface Science (Elsevier B.V.),  Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Elsevier B.V.),  Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters (Springer-Verlag GmbH),  Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Interface Science (Elsevier B.V.),  and Journal of Composite Materials (Sage Publications Ltd.).

His research has been or is currently being funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation, Malaysia (MOSTI), the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (MOHE), the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), Trieste, Italy, and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. His research has centered on the following areas: heterogeneous catalyst and catalysis, nanostructured materials, microporous and mesoporous materials, photocatalysis, and polymeric materials.

He has been invited as a speaker for the following seminar, conferences and symposium:  keynote speaker at International Seminar on Environmental Science organized by Universitas  Andalas (Padang, 2011), keynote speaker at The ITB Catalysis Symposium organized by Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung, 2011), keynote speaker at The 12th International Conference on Quality in Research organized by Universitas Indonesia (Bali, 2011), invited speaker at Nanotechnology Seminar at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Batu Pahat, 2011), keynote speaker at The 3rd Junior Chemists Colloquium organized by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Johor Bahru, 2011), keynote speaker at The National Seminar on Engineering and Technology organized by Universitas Bung Hatta (Padang, 2010), invited lecture on Application of Solid State NMR at NMR User Meeting organized by Bruker South East Asia (Kuala Lumpur, 2010), keynote speaker at The National Seminar on Chemistry and Chemistry Education organized by Universitas Negeri Semarang (Semarang, 2009), keynote speaker at The 11th National Seminar on Chemistry organized by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya, 2007), and invited speaker at Graduate School of Engineering Science Seminar, Osaka University (Osaka, 2007).

He currently supervises 13 Ph.D. and four M.Sc. students, and has previously supervised four Ph.D. and 10 M.Sc. students. He has also supervised four research officers. Currently, he is a Head of Catalytic Science and Technology (CST) research group and Manager of International Affairs for Indonesia at UTM.

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