Heartfelt condolences to our Chancellor and family











Assalamualaikum and Greetings.

On behalf of the UTM Management Team and all the staff and students of UTM, i would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to our Chancellor HRH Tuanku Raja Zarith Sofiah binti Al-Marhum Sultan Idris Shah and family for the passing of her beloved bonda, Al-Marhumah Raja Perempuan Muzwin binti Al-Marhum Raja Dato’ Sri Ariff Shah. May her soul be blessed and reside among the chosen in Jannah.

Prof. Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang, UTM Vice-Chancellor.


Seluruh Warga Universiti Mengucapkan Takziah kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja Zarith Sofiah binti Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah dan kerabat Diraja Johor dan Perak atas kemangkatan bonda Allahyarhamah Raja Perempuan Mazwin binti Almarhum Raja Dato’ Sri Raja Ariff Shah pada 6 Oktober 2011.

Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat Allah SWT.

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