Januari 31, 2025

Hello UTM!

January is always an exciting moment of the year. It flags the beginning of a new year with a new purpose. For iHumEn, we are thrilled to announce that, due to our notable growth over the last 5 years (since 2015), we are expanding! Thus, it is a signal to launch our new bulletin, iHumEn! Being launched this month, the bulletin will be published bi-annually. It will provide the latest news, views, and information that are relevant to UTM. Bringing you the information you can use when you need it, is our aim. Have a read of our latest bulletin to view the activities and achievements of iHumEn over the past few months.

Please click on the link provided below for the full version:-

>>>iHumEn Bulletin Issue 1/2020<<<

In this issue, we incorporate 5 main contents which are:

  1. iHumEn Spotlight Events
  2. myTHROB: MALAYSIA’s Homegrown Smart Rythym Monitor
  3. Infographic & Achievements
  4. Products & Services of iHumEn
  5. Directory

This bulletin has been registered with Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia under eISSN number of 2716-540X


“I am happy to bring you the “iHumEn” the bi-annually bulletin which illustrates our commitments to advancing excellence in education, research and service. It highlights the research and educational activities of faculty, staff, students, postdocs, and visitors associated with iHumEn throughout 2019. Its activities encompass Sport 4.0, HSE 4.0 (Health, Safety, Environment), Medicine & Food Technology, Classroom of The Future, Assistive Technology and Lifestyle with the Focus of Enhancement of Human Performance & Assistive Technology.

This approach means that, through scientific and technological advancements and working with community and industry on matters of national strategic interest, iHumEn remains relevant to the development of the nation.”

Prof. Dr. Mohd Shahrizal Sunar
Institute Director
Institute of Human Centered Engineering (iHumEn)


This article was prepared by ChM. Dr. Nor Suriani Hj. Sani and Muhammad Akmal Ayob

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