KULAIJAYA, 6 August 2015 – A strategic alliance has been forged between the Institute of Bio-Product Development of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (IBDUTM) and Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas (SMPK) Vokasional Indahpura, Kulaijaya to enhance further development of the local herbal industry.
The signing of a Note of Cooperation was held at Dewan Goalball Sri Khadijah, SMPK Vokasional Indahpura with IBD represented by its Director, Prof Ramlan Aziz and SMPK Vocational represented by the Principal, Pn. Mariani Mohd Saad.
Also at the ceremony was Assistant Director of the Academic Niche Sector, Boarding School Management and School of Excellence, Ministry of Education, Hjh. Faridah Mohamed Zain.
The ceremony was held in conjunction with the Herbal Industry Development Seminar organized by IBDUTM to provide business opportunities and enhance awareness of the latest the development of the local herbal industry.
The seminar was attended by more than 150 participants consisting of students, industry partners, teachers of special education and district education officers.
Prof Ramlan Aziz said that, “In addition to collaborating in the form of sharing of knowledge achieved through talks and seminars, the cooperation between IBDUTM and SMPK Vokasional Indahpura will also involve the development of natural SPA-based products, and massage oil and creams using natural ingredients.”
“The product can also be used for commercial purposes at the school because students here are trained in providing SPA-based services,” he said.