The Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) of K-Economy Research Alliance (RAKE) and Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has successfully organized the 7th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (MySEC 2013) from 20th to 21st November 2013 at Avilion Legacy Hotel, Malacca.

Nov. 20, 2013. The 7th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (MySEC 2013) has successfully been organized by members of Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) of K-Economy Research Alliance (RAKE) and Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The head of SERG, Assoc. Prof. Dr Shahida Sulaiman has been the Chair of MySEC 2013.
The speakers from industries and academia included Mr John Sullivan who is the Business Division Product Delivery Manager of MYOB Australia, Mr Matthew Khaw, the Partner Business Strategist of Microsoft Malaysia and Assoc. Prof. Dr Rusli Abdullah, an associate professor of Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
MySEC 2013 was officiated by Prof. Dr. Ali Selamat, Dean of RAKE, UTM. The organizing committee of MySEC 2013 has successfully organized the event that converged researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to advance the state-of-the-art of software engineering research and practice in Malaysia. RAKE has been supporting the event that provided numerous opportunities for academic and industry delegates to collaborate and learn from each other.
Besides MySEC 2013 that was organised on 20th and 21st November 2013, there were two co-located events on 19 November 2013 that were Agile Symposium and the 4th Software Engineering Postgraduates Workshop (SEPoW 2013). As software development is known for its fast delivery, Agile has been one of the frontiers in software process model and approach. Hence, it is timely to have such symposium among MySEC delegates. In addition, the 4th SEPoW that was organized by Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) provided a good platform among our software engineering postgraduates to receive feedback from the appointed software engineering experts in Malaysia.
Malaysian Software Engineering Interest Group (MySEIG) was established in 2005. MySEIG has been supporting both series of MySEC and SEPoW events until today.
MySEIG consists of academicians, researchers, and practitioners around the world and mainly in Malaysia. Such collaboration among universities and industries in Malaysia is encouraging and should be sustained in order to strengthen software engineering research and practice in Malaysia and to keep abreast with the state-of-the-art in the related fields.
Thus, the theme of MySEC 2013 that is “Software in the Cloud: The Way Forward” highlights the need to develop software towards cloud computing technology. As cloud has become in demand through its various services, it influences the way software engineers work. Phases in software development and maintenance mainly in testing have evolved greatly in tandem with cloud computing technology. In short, researchers and practitioners should be aware of the needs in the rapid growth of software technology.
Indeed MySEC 2013 was a great avenue for fruitful interactions and discussion among academics, researchers, and practitioners in sharing their expertise in related issues in software engineering besides discussing the way forward related to cloud computing.
Forty-four papers were selected to be presented and to be further extended to three respective journals that were International Journal of Innovative Computing (IJIC), International Journal of Software Engineering, and Technology (IJSET) and International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and Its Application (IJASCA). One of the journals that is IJASCA, is SCOPUS indexed. This initiative will inculcate the need of extending software engineering work that is not only presented in a conference but also published in a related journal. On the other hand, MySEIG is working strategically to receive a continuous support from IEEE Malaysia Section mainly in IEEE publication for future MySEC.
The local organizing committee of SERG UTM would like to acknowledge all the parties involved in ensuring the success of the 7th MySEC 2013.
Among the presenters and participants of MySEC 2013